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Zero To Landfill In The Last 6 Months

Ensuring sustainability is a priority in 2022

374.46K kg of waste diverted from landfill in 2022.

Over the last 6 months Dovetail have been doing the utmost to ensure we’re on track to achieve our goal of zero to landfill in 2022. With our recent waste stats from Veolia, we’re able to proudly say we diverted 100% of our waste (374.46K kg) away from landfill over the last 6 months. In addition to this we’ve saved 129,000kg of CO2e which is equivalent to 445.21 trees planted, 48.18 cars off road and 78.33 houses powered.

This is a fantastic achievement for the company and more importantly for our environment. The work doesn’t stop here though. With Dovetail’s young, contemporary and driven attitude, we aim to increase our workload while devoting ourselves to improve these statistics. Sustainability is now a priority for the world as well as Dovetail and striving everyday to reduce our carbon footprint.

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